When working with electrical tools, the slightest mistakes can lead to electrical shocks or burns. Prioritizing safety is a must in this field, that is where insulated screwdrivers play a crucial role. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to test your insulated screwdriver.

Why Insulated Screwdrivers?

The primary purpose of these screwdrivers is to serve as a protective barrier between the electric current and the user. Electric shocks are dangerous and these accidents can happen when contact is made with live wires. Using an insulated screwdriver in this case can reduce the probability of electric hazards such as burns and shock.

learn more about Insulated tools.

Inspect the tool using your naked eye:

Before you engage in the electrical work, it is better advised to give a visual check if the screwdriver has any damage or wear. This inspection helps you identify if the tool’s mechanical integrity is compromised. Make sure to look for cracks, and signs of corrosion as well.

Testing the Insulation Resistance:

  1. Start with setting the multimeter on the resistance mode (ohms.)

  2. See if the multimeter is at Zero, or adjust it accordingly as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

  3. The procedure for testing

a.    Hold the insulated handle firmly with your hands, and proceed to touch the multimeter probe to the blade of your insulated screwdriver or at the metal shaft.

b.    Now you can see the record of the resistance value in the multimeter. Note that, a properly insulated screwdriver will show higher amounts of resistance value.


Make testing of any insulated screwdriver you buy mandatory. While following these methods can keep you away from potential dangers from electric shocks and burns, it is important to consider an electrician service if you are unsure about any aspect of the complex electrical work.


Interpreting the results:

 Usually, most of the insulated screwdrivers will have their resistance in several megaohms. The acceptable range may vary depending on the manufacturer, so while testing the resistance of your insulating screwdriver, compare the resistance value specified by the manufacturer to the value you obtained by testing. Ideally, there should be no difference between these two values, but if you find the difference to be more than a few ohms, you know what to do.

Test it with Pressure:

Add some pressure to the insulated areas of your screwdriver, to check if it can sustain mechanical stress without undergoing any physical changes. This is an excellent method to test the insulated screwdriver’s durability as well.

Testing it with Fire

The other test to consider and perform is the combustion or flame retardant test. This is quite a simple test, expose your insulated screwdrivers to flames for 10 seconds. The insulating material should not start burning due to the material being non-flammable. If the material starts burning in those 10 seconds, it is high time you start considering other options.


These testing methods can enhance personal safety and also promote a culture of responsibility in handling electrical equipment as well. Stay safe when you are engaging in these in-field activities, and make sure that you consider your part of the work in an open environment.